The Moyer Family

I can’t tell you how good it feels to be back outside shooting again! I love documenting families, and after being away from it for what feels like forever, it’s just a reminder how much photography truly feeds my soul and just makes me smile. I always enjoy seeing the Moyers, and I was excited to photograph them at their house this year. They live in my old neck of the woods where I grew up, and it’s such a pretty area that will always have my heart. Isaac just keeps growing up, and I truly think he’s just a great kid. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, and he has some of the best expressions. He has this natural, serious face that gets me every time. I also love his sense of humor. He took some of my silly jokes to the next level, and I am definitely keeping some of them in my back pocket! Wes and Lauren are so kind, and it’s a joy seeing this family of three spend time together.

Beth Corpstein